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role model (克盡職守的)工作模范。

role-playing game

These kids need role models 這些孩子需要榜樣

Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one 我們惟一能作主的是做一個好榜樣還是一個壞榜樣。

Do you have a role model , someone you admire and learn from 你有一個要模仿的,一個你崇拜和值得你學習的人嗎?

Is it any wonder some athletes don ' t want to be role models 如果有人這樣提到我的名字,對我來說是一種榮譽。

A role model for team members 為同組人員樹立榜樣。

Discussion on the ideal teacher ' s role model in nursing clinical instruction 芻議護理臨床教師理想的角色模式

You probably had a positive role model in one or both parents 你的父母雙方或其中一方是對你有幫助的模范。

Be a positive role model 扮演一個積極進取的正面角色。

Master , in her selfless devotion , deserves to be our role model 師父無我的奉獻心真是值得我們好好學習。

Then do your own version , with your role models in mind 然后按照你心中的榜樣,用你自己的方式去行事。

Sports players continue to be regarded as role models by their fans 運動員任被他們的追隨者視為偶像。

It ' s really important that children have good role models to learn from 孩子有好的榜樣學習非常重要。

But the good things about being a role model outweigh the bad 但是,做一個行為榜樣的好處要多于壞處。

Young people need good role models 年輕人需要有好的偶像。

Young people need role models morethan they need critics 年輕人更需要的是正面的榜樣引導而不是批評。

No role model . get a little deeper 沒人可教,沒有經驗可學

Politicians are supposed to be role models not potty mouths 政治人物應該要為人楷模而不是滿口臟話。

Doyou have a role model , alexia 你有崇拜的偶像嗎,艾莉西亞

Lisa : because he is my role model 莉薩:因為他是我的偶像。